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    This is a portrait of an electron.

   It shows not solid rings, not bagels, but wave rings (explanations and details on the following pages), circling with the speed of light, and neighboring rings move in opposite directions. Strict mathematics!
It is this rotation of the constituent rings that creates the total nonzero intrinsic angular momentum-the spin of the electron. In this - the solution to the appearance of spin, which is still a mystery in the conventional science. However, nobody is trying to solve this riddle, but this is a separate issue.
This (approximate) figure shows only the main, nearest rings, there are infinitely many of them. The whole object is a single entity, no part of it can be deleted. And this whole is an elementary particle, an electron. This is not an invention, not a fantasy, not a fit. This, once again, strict mathematics!
Let those who believe that the electron rotates around the nucleus in the hydrogen atom (the simplest case) are not frightened by surprise. No, it does not rotate as a whole around the core. Just the core is inside the electron. About this on the following pages.
Below is an absolutely exact mathematical formula (spherical coordinates), along which this portrait of an electron is drawn. This formula is the solution of the wave equation (one of many). And this solution is simultaneously determined throughout the infinite space.


   The term "energy" is in the formula, but as is known, in physics, mass and energy are one and the same, up to a multiplier. Here q is the dimensionless length (spherical radius), the explanations below.
In terms of the mass of an electron or its internal energy, only the first 3 to 4 rings (see the figure) are important, which cover 99% of the mass = the electron energy. The remaining rings are negligible. However, there are many electron conductors and the total interaction effect of the peripheral parts of electrons is manifested in the phenomena of electromagnetism. I mean, in the phenomenon of the appearance of an electromagnetic field around a conductor with a current. The electromagnetic field detected by the devices around the conductor with current is nothing but the peripheral parts of the moving electrons themselves. And if there is no current, then the arrangement of the electrons is chaotic and does not create a magnetic field. But when the voltage is connected to the ends of the conductor, the electrons "line up" inside the conductor bagel behind the bagel (see the figure below) and their peripheral parts create noticeable magnetic fields.


   In this unity and integrity of the mathematical solution lies the great strength of the electron. Electrons are able to line up in chains inside metal wires with voltage (current). And they are their peripheral parts - rings, by the serial number, not even by the first-second, not by the thousandth and not by the billion, but by the quintillion ones, 1) they create a magnetic field around the wires; 2) cling (in the literal sense!) To each other in the windings of electric motors and powerfully rotate their rotors, giving traffic to trains, escalators, construction cranes and submarines. That's what internal forces are in the electron!
Further on the site will be given similar portraits (drawings) and exact formulas of the proton and neutron, as well as exact formulas for their SPINS = Moments of Impulse. The following pages of the site also contain formulas for the photon and other particles, but the drawings have not yet been received, there is no time or money. And a convincing and simple proof of the correctness of all our formulas is given.

   Uniform Formula of the Universe.   Опубликовано: https://www.academia.edu/33884105/The_universe_is_arranged_very_simply, http://viXra.org/abs/1801.0162

   And this, just below - the Uniform Formula of the Universe, from which all these formulas and portraits of elementary particles are obtained. This is a single formula that describes all material micro-objects. This is a single formula, from which easily follows Quantum Physics, and the Table of Elementary Particles, and the laws of Electro-Magnetism, and the Unified Theory of All Fields and Matter, and in general all Physics. This is a well-known wave equation:


   Here W is the displacement vector of the elastic space, the details are below. But in motion, in interaction, in relationships, all galactic clusters, all macro and micro objects of the Universe are already described by other, very different mathematical formulas.
Only on the basis of the fact that the Universe is described by the wave equation for an elastic body, we have no right strictly and unequivocally to assert that the Universe is firm and elastic. That's the opposite, it would be possible. That is, if we were sure that the universe is solid and elastic, then it would be described by the wave equation. And in our case, theoretically, the version that the wave equation is satisfied only by a mysterious, fluid and mobile but elastic, and not tearing to pieces Matter that moves in a completely empty Vacuum, is theoretically quite right. Surprises are always possible. Let theoreticians make a guess, does the wave equation arise in some other way and in some other medium with completely unique properties, except in an elastic solid body? Or let them prove that otherwise is impossible, and then we will accurately and unequivocally know that our Universe is firm and elastic. Now it is precisely this task that is relevant, and all sorts of disputes on the topic of SRT, GTR, "primary explosion" and "black holes" are gradually being moved to the "basket."
Next is the beginning of the Elementary Particle Tables. A complete table is never drawn and no one will succeed, since it is infinite. At the CAC LHC or the Dubna accelerator under construction, ILC will receive trajectories of unknown particles, will come up with some names for them, lie for something. And all these unknown particles have long been sitting in this table. This is the destiny of the prophets in their homeland ...


Two integer parameters. j = 0,1,2,3, ... ∞; m = 0,1,2, ... j. j - line number; m is the column number. The designation of elementary particles: (j, m). We obtained exact formulas giving the distribution of the particle density in space. Formulas for all elementary particles. From these formulas, by specifying, for example, MASSA of a particle, it is possible to calculate its theoretical SIZE or theoretical SPIN.
There are three main and linearly independent parameters of elementary particles: size, mass, torque = spin. The latter depends on the shape of the particle. The weight and empty barrel of identical masses are very different at the moment of rotation, they can differ thousands of times. So it turned out, well, so it turned out, well, Nature is so arranged, the universe is so arranged that when you substitute in these formulas for elementary particles only two of these three quantities, the third can theoretically be calculated. For example, when you substitute the mass of a particle and its torque, you can theoretically calculate its size. The probability that for some random functional series these theoretical dimensions will coincide with the experimental (generally known) is strictly zero. It's like shooting up and that bullet flew back into the trunk. Zero probability. And we have these theoretical dimensions coincided! All three main particles: proton, neutron, electron.
j = 0, there is only one elementary particle: (0,0). The check shows that this is an electron. 100% coincidence with facts on theoretical SPIN, SIZE and PROPERTIES.
j = 1, there are two elementary particles: (1,0) is a neutron and (1,1) is a proton. 100% coincidence with the facts on the SPIN, INNER DENSITY DISTRIBUTION and SIZES.
j = 2 there are three elementary particles: (2,0), (2,1) and (2,2). They have not yet been identified exactly by us, although the formulas of the internal device have been obtained. Apparently these are some kinds of mesons.
j = 3, there are four types of particles: (3.0), (3.1), (3.2), (3.3). Apparently this is also the continuation of the varieties of mesons.
It is interesting that the total number of known mesons in science (eight, of which one clearly falls out of the series in terms of properties) is approximately equal to the total number of particles predicted by us with
j = 2 and j = 3 (seven). But somewhere there is something to be clarified.
And so on, to infinity. Next are short-lived particles, which are identified differently by nuclear physicists. There is some value
k in the table. The value of
k for each particle is different.

   All explanations and details are below. Here   μj,m - mass of the corresponding particle;  с - speed of light;  Mj,m - the angular momentum (spin) of the particle; coefficients  Kj.m  are calculated from the formulas for energy and angular momentum (see the corresponding chapters and the table in the chapter "FORMULA FOR ENERGY OF LOCKS"). No "counterfeit" coefficients!

   The table is infinite. It looks like a pyramid. It is possible that in lines 3 and 4, the names of the particles should be interchanged, while they are taken at random.
In total there are three types of formulas only in spherical coordinates or what is the same, three classes of localized spherical solutions (see the corresponding chapter) of the wave equation describing elementary particles. There are also solutions in cylindrical coordinates and other solutions of the wave equation are possible.
In the table presented here, all known and not yet known elementary particles described by the second kind of formulas will be inscribed (CLASS 2). In such localized oscillations, energy moves around an axis. For simple solutions with
m = 0,j is arbitrary, there is an axial symmetry (electron, neutron). The proton has a slightly broken symmetry.
A photon belongs to the class of elementary particles described by the first kind of formulas (CLASS 1). This also includes neutrinos, if it exists, and other particles that exist only in motion with light or sublight light velocity. It is assumed that there are 3 types of neutrinos. This is our theory most likely to confirm. These three neutrino groups appear similarly to the appearance of groupings of the same type of mesons.
It is quite possible that ball lightning is a representative of the particles described by the third kind of formulas (CLASS 3). In these particles, the energy revolves around an imaginary toroidal core, with entry into it.
The lightning is a representative of solutions in cylindrical coordinates. The existence of the solution is proved. We have not yet studied the details.
An interesting phenomenon has also been discovered: the coincidence of the formulas for the energy distribution of the particles (3.1), (3.2) and (3.3) (see the chapter on the ENERGY of SPECIFIC LOCKS). This means, it is possible, that their masses are close. But it is also known that meson masses
  К+, К- and К0  are equal, respectively, 494, 494 and 498 MeV. This may be another confirmation of our theory. However, they are already enough.
All this was published 14 years ago, here in Russia. The site is already 12 years old. All this is proved by 100% coincidence with all known experimental data. In fact, Axiomatic Physics is obtained, from which all existing physics follows and there will be a mass of new, theoretically predicted phenomena. In particular, antigravitation is quite possible, we only need to look for experimental clues.
We defeated the problem, but where are the sponsors - patriots for the development and implementation of the theory? Where is the budget line for our work? Where is the support of the state, where is the reaction of the big scientists? Where is all this? We fight like two Malchish - Kibalchish, but where is the Red Army ?!
The request further everywhere does not pay attention to the same letters in the integrals: within the limits of integration and in the integration variables. It's an old habit. This does not affect anything, but considerably simplifies the presentation of the number of input variables.

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