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   Deductive restoration of the miracle of the origin of life begins. Under the word "molecule" more often refer to those organic molecules that have become the ancestors of modern life. As a rule, these are polyatomic carbon-containing molecules. More recently, the authors came across a version of the fact that asbestos mined in the mines is nothing more than the remnants of silicon organic life [31]. Just like coal is the remnants of carbon life. True or not, it is not known. But the impression produces! Therefore, it is not ruled out that both these and, perhaps, some other unknown species of life arose on the Earth and existed.

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Is not it a miracle chemical properties of elements?
Is it not a miracle of their ability to connect with each other and form molecules and new substances?
Is not another miracle - the laws of chemical kinetics?
Is it not the fourth miracle - the ability of atoms and molecules to absorb photons of light energy with the inflation of their electronic shell, with the transition of the electron shell to a higher energy level?
Is it not the fifth miracle - the dual, corpuscular - wave nature of matter?
And is it not a miracle (from another region) - the laws of mechanics or fluid dynamics?
And another miracle: the transformation of a kind of matter - the electromagnetic field into the energy of mechanical motion. We are in this already, thank God, figured out ..
And how many miracles does mathematics give us ?!
Are these and other not mentioned and not listed miracles smaller or weaker than the miracle of life? Are not these wonders enough to form a combination of them, a sequence that leads to a new miracle-the origin of life? And unless without all these numerous miracles, perhaps a miracle of life?
All these miracles existed or arose before the emergence of life and are the basis of life. And only when the molecules of nitrogen, water, carbon dioxide and others were formed from the atoms first, when chemical and photochemical processes began to flow, mutual conversions of substances began, then the prerequisites for the emergence of life appeared. Below these common phrases will be specified.

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   Further, we easily juggle hundreds of millions and billions of years, because no one knows and will never know more accurately than we, how many billions of years there in the past it was. Therefore, every scientist places time marks of the distant past in the way that he likes. If only to avoid blatant stupidity and not to make readers and colleagues laugh. Here, just a thousand or two years ago it was considered quite clever to think that the Earth cake lies on the back of the Kit, Keith is on the back of the Three Elephants, and the Elephants are on their backs in the absolutely huge Turtle. By this time (tortoise), the desire to continue questions and to deepen the knowledge of students was coming to an end. Otherwise, I would have to think up that the Turtle is again on someone's back and so on ad infinitum. However, the current Primary Explosion is from the same series. Or maybe this Turtle farted - and the primary explosion ?! We had such a cow in the village. The cow puknula - and horns fell off ... So.
Ten billion years ago, after another (in an infinite number of) cosmic catastrophe arose a huge cloud of cosmic dust type, insignificant in comparison with the infinite universe. How the catastrophe happened, we do not know. But there is an assumption that at the same time all elementary particles were destroyed to a state of the "Marquise de Sade" type. Then came the restoration of elementary particles, which immediately (that's where the origins of sex!) Merged into pairs "electron-proton" - hydrogen atoms. What is evidenced by our cloud of cosmic dust, which arose later than all elementary particles were formed and 99% of this cloud consisted of pure hydrogen. There was little helium (Swedish family) and very few large particles (finally a group sex).

   Our cloud in that space era took up space in the space around the same area where we are now. More precisely, you will not say. It received a rotational impulse, like all space objects. Whether long, shortly there was this cloud, soon the scientific theory affects, but not soon it is done, but then it began to disintegrate into parts under the influence of gravitational force. These parts also received a rotational impulse. A star appeared in the center of each of the parts. So our Galaxy arose. One of these stars was our Sun.
Five billion years ago, the residual dust cloud revolving around the young Sun, also under the influence of gravity, broke up into several bunches and from one such cluster formed the Earth.
Since its inception and half a billion years already of the existence of our planetary system, the heavy and greedy Sun has sucked off all the light atoms - hydrogen, helium - from the Earth and other planets. These atoms move at high velocities, fly far away from the planets and are captured by the Sun. Kids, do not run away from mom! Otherwise, evil bearded uncles can take you hostage!

   As a result, many planets have remained mostly with heavy elements, have acquired a solid or liquid body and not too thick gas atmosphere. Part of the terrestrial hydrogen podshustrila and time to connect with oxygen and thus avoid flight to the sun. But helium almost flew away, as it showed a chemical passivity. The clot of matter that we, the earthmen, reached in this way, was condensed and heated up due to various processes. It already had all the atoms, of which we are all now. These atoms were later also in the bodies of the first fish, dinosaurs, African giraffes; in all kinds of terrestrial stinking abominations and in the noblest scents, drinks and dishes; in Ivan the Terrible and even in Vladimir Ilyich. This, as they say, is the cycle of substances in nature. They (the hounds) also expand their outlook.
After many pieces of time, the globe, dense and surrounded by a thick vapor-gas atmosphere, began to cool down gradually, radiating thermal electromagnetic waves into space. Among the substances present in the atmosphere appear (according to the textbooks of biology): methane, oxide and carbon dioxide, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, cyanides.
Half a billion revolutions (it is not recommended to try to count even to a million, it will take 11.6 days, if counted 1 per second) made the Earth around the Sun until its surface cooled down so much that the water vapor condenses into the oceans.
And after another half a billion years, the oceans cooled, and complex substances containing carbon-organic substances began to form in them. Among such substances, simpler and more complex ones were encountered, such as amino acids, sugars, nitrogen bases, mononucleotides.
This is not intended to go into the exposition of the unfortunate versions of the origin of life. There is no desire to delve into the chemical aspects of the problem, and especially in their numerous terminology. There is our own, quantum - physical analysis of the situation, with the maximum coverage of all remaining objects and processes.

   Biology began three and a half billion years ago. So much time remained up to our time, when substances appeared on the Earth suitable for the origin of life. Nobody made the push of this life. We shall prove this below. The origins of biology are contained in global physical laws and the fundamental properties of elementary particles. These factors have always and will always exist. The emergence of life is an objective and universal Ecumenical process. There are infinitely many places in the universe where Life exists. There are infinitely many planets in the universe with a reasonable Life. But there are as yet unknown ways for contacts between them because of the huge, hopeless remoteness from each other. And are these contacts necessary? Shit your shit? So, the American Indians are still glad from contact with Europe ... Yes, and the Mammoths did not loosely work with primitive Siberian people. Duck and the Australian Kangaroos weep from contact with the European dog Dingo. But have you ever had such contacts? Vaughn and the AIDS epidemic went from contacts. And Pushkin and Dantes started a contact. And Gorbachev with Reagan and Thatcher for many hours alone confined ... From these contacts, then for some reason, the population of Russia began to decline drastically ... There is less law - you will live longer.
The Earth as a whole cooled down. Cooled the ocean. On the night side of the Earth, infrared quanta carried energy to the abyss of space. On the sunny side of the ocean, the absorption of the energy of solar light quanta and their conversion into heat predominated. The sun bombarded the ocean with its photons. And, as it is now commonly expressed, "like it molecules or do not like it," and also "for any," but probabilistic laws pushed photons into all large molecules and colloidal particles dissolved or floating in the ocean. Absorbed energy and organic molecules floating in the ocean.
Quantum physics on Earth as a science did not yet exist. The books were not published yet and Bohr, Schroedinger and Bonch were born, you understand, Bruevich. But the very laws of physics are absolute in the universe and always work. One of the laws is that the sun's rays consist of a lot of quanta - photons - very stable and almost indivisible wave of peleton or portions of energy. These portions could not and now, like water droplets, can not be sprayed or smeared when they collide with terrestrial particles or molecules and thus immediately turn into heat. These portions of energy - quanta - photons or reflected by the object, or pass through the object, or are absorbed by the object only entirely. If there are exceptions, with the decay of a photon into parts, then a complex process has occurred in several separate processes, stages. And the first stage is still the absorption of the photon entirely.

   The entire flux of solar quanta to the primary ocean has a known energy spectrum. There is a low-energy part of the spectrum. These are purely thermal quanta, which resonate well with simple, small molecules of the atmosphere and water and are absorbed by them. This infrared part of the spectrum for biology is of little interest.
There is a slightly more energetic and very narrow part of the spectrum that does not predominantly resonate with individual molecules of the atmosphere or water and can not be absorbed by them. It is this part of the spectrum that gives birth to life. Not surprisingly, this is just the visible part of the solar spectrum. Because the human eye has not fallen out of the general diversity of elements of life.
Even more energetic part of the solar spectrum, ultraviolet - it is already vice versa, is harmful to life. And life hides from it, as far as possible. The big luck for us is that there is an ozone layer, that the ultraviolet spectrum from the Sun is not intense enough to destroy all life. But freon refrigerators this layer (supposedly) almost destroyed, thanks to the efforts of competing advertisers. Later, however, it was established that this was not true. But the unpleasant residue remained. Including in the pockets of manufacturers of freon refrigerators. This is an example of the surrealism of being, about what - in a different place, in another book.
DEFINITION. The primary energy pressure is the solar pressure (ie, the visible part of the spectrum). This is a constant bombardment of high-energy solar quanta floating in the ocean of organic molecules. As a result of this, according to the probability laws of absorption of these quanta, the molecules create an energetically nonequilibrium, shifted toward excess of internal energy, the state of these organic molecules.
These high-energy solar wave pellets are either reflected entirely from the surface of the ocean as from a mirror and fly away into space. Either they pass through the surface of the water and further virtually unhindered to the very bottom. Or in the ocean they can be absorbed by large organic molecules swimming in the water, colloids, mote.
As one of the confirmations of these phenomena is the well-known household fact that muddy water is heated from the sun much more efficiently than pure water. That is, muddy water absorbs photons well.
Everything that concerns colloids, sorines and turbid water is not considered further by us. For this, there are special research institutes established under socialism. Our attention is focused on large organic molecules found in ocean water. Or they are dissolved or floating on the surface or lying on the bottom in shallow water.

   UPDATE. It is necessary to confirm the statements by numerical calculations. Are the solar quanta of the visible spectrum so large compared to the thermal quanta of oceanic molecules and need to be crushed? So.
    Visible sunlight is located in the wave interval from 760 mk (millimicron
, 10-6 cm) to 380 mmk, which corresponds to the frequencies from 7,9∙1013 Hz before 3,9∙1013 Hz. This corresponds to the energy (ε = ħν, ħ - Planck's constant = 6,62∙10-27 erg ∙ sec, ν - frequency) of the order of 52∙10-14 erg up to 26∙10-14 erg. At the same time, the thermal energy of the molecule at 20 degrees Celsius or 293 degrees Kelvin is determined by the formula ε = 3/2∙kT (k - Boltzmann's constant = 1,38∙10-16 эрг/град, T - temperature) and is 6∙10-14 erg. Taking into account the influence of all the statistical distributions participating in the processes, it is easy to come to the conclusion that the light solar quanta must first be broken down into at least four (26: 6), and usually tens, hundreds and thousands of times, and only then converted into heat of oceanic water . Q.E.D.
More simple (not all scientists know physics and mathematics), and a clear proof of the multiple excess of light energy over thermal quanta is the following experimental observation. Take the "cold" iron poker, that is, at room temperature or
 2930 by Kelvin. It is black if used (and if not gold). This is the color of the "cold" photons for our eyes, that is, the absence of any color. We'll heat up the poker. It will glow red at temperatures of about 1200 degrees Kelvin, and white at an even higher temperature. Conclusion: the energy of light photons (which radiates a heated poker) is so much more energy of "cold" photons (which radiates a cold poker), how many times the absolute temperature of the heated poker is higher than the absolute temperature of the cold poker. That is from 4 or more times.

   So the hypothesis about the existence of molecules - mills of solar quanta is being born. Further refinements are made.
Infrared solar rays turn into heat immediately, but they are of little interest. They do not create earthly life and even the eye does not define them as useless. Although we must give them due credit in maintaining the necessary thermal regime for the existence of life.
At the same time, the destructive effect of ultraviolet rays for which there are no molecules capable of absorbing them and then grinding them in heat becomes more understandable. Complex molecules in most are destroyed by the absorption of such huge energies. Thus, ultraviolet rays practically do not take part in the origin and cycle of life.
So, the solar quantum approaches a large organic molecule floating in water. This molecule has a lot of energy degrees of freedom, which can get the energy of a solar photon. The basic degrees of freedom: 1) mechanical, when the nuclei of atoms of this macromolecule vibrate. 2) electronic, when the electron shells around each of the atoms are inflated. On what degree of freedom does the energy of the solar photon get? - We have already analyzed this issue. A long molecule like an antenna turns a photon into the energy of an electron shell. Perhaps through a virtual stage of intramolecular currents.
You can slightly detail this statement. No matter how unlikely, but photons are absorbed and clean water, at least marine. Apparently, the instant configuration of some local group of water molecules and dissolved salts in it plays a role. In the light of this assumption, it becomes obvious that there are stable large organic molecules (such as chlorophyll), the configuration of which is very suitable for absorbing a quantum of light.

But what happens next?
It is necessary to recall known theoretical investigations. Here is an excerpt from [08], [09]. In 1954, Fermi, Pasta, and Ulam attempted to numerically study the one-dimensional anharmonic chain of oscillators. The problem, which Debye mentioned back in 1914, was investigated. They assumed that, because of the nonlinearity property of a given object, any initial perturbation rapidly relaxes and leads to equipartition of energy over all degrees of freedom of the system. However, they discovered an anomalously slow stochastization of this dynamic system. That's what they say. "... We discovered phenomena that from the very beginning surprised us, instead of a consecutive continuous flow of energy from the first mode to the higher ... energy exchange took place only between several lower modes ... There was almost no tendency to equipartition of energy in terms of degrees of freedom for a given time.In other words, in the system definitely there was no mixing. "
These results from mechanics help to comprehend what happens next with the energy of the electron shell. The difference between the energies of the electron shell and the mechanical vibrations of the nuclei in the molecule is radically, absolutely. This phenomenon of non-mixing takes effect. This energy of the electron shells is not immediately transferred to vibrational freedom of atomic nuclei, and from there to surrounding molecules, to heat. This energy lives for some time on the electronic shell of the molecule, it retains for a long time without turning into vibrations of atoms. In this case, very quickly or instantaneously it is distributed uniformly over the electron shells of the atoms of this molecule.

   Then this energy of the former photon is slowly and in parts begins to be transferred to the surrounding water molecules. It is possible that part of this energy is transferred by small quanta from the electron shells of the atoms of the organic molecule to the electron shells of water molecules. The other part is transmitted by mechanical jerks (mechanisms are given below) from the side of the atoms of the main molecule - the absorber, to the molecules of water.
So, a molecule that absorbed a quantum of light can not quickly grind the whole portion of solar energy into a fine "energy flour" and dissipate it to the surrounding matter, turning it into heat. This contradicts the objectively existing physical quantum laws and prohibitions. According to these laws, having absorbed a portion of solar energy, the molecule is forced to live for some time in such an excited state.
When mentioning the words "energy of molecules" in the future, it means precisely and only the energy of its electron shell, and not mechanical or otherwise. And the mechanical energy of vibrations of atoms in the molecule can not stay in it for a long time and immediately spreads to neighboring water molecules.

The excitation of a molecule is the moment of absorption of a light quantum floating in the ocean by a molecule.
The excited state of a molecule is a stay with an excess of internal energy above the equilibrium state. Then there is a process of crushing this energy and its subsequent transfer to surrounding water molecules.
The duration of the excited state is the time of existence of the molecule in the excited state. After the radiation of the last part of the original quantum, the molecule ceases to be a carrier of excess internal energy and passes into a state of equilibrium with the surrounding medium.
In other words, when a molecule is found in a stream of light, it often happens that the internal temperature of a molecule is many times higher than its kinetic "external" temperature. This point is understandable and obvious to physicists, although they can argue for any nonsense indefinitely.
Parallel to the above, there is a phenomenon that these excited molecules often acquire additional chemical activity. In particular, those that did not previously connect with each other, in an excited state, obtained this ability to chemically connect with each other, and even in many cases. In terms of the formation of long molecular chains, this is good. But we can not get into the chemical jungle. Life arises without chemical complications.
Solar energy pressure, as it were, causes some large organic molecules to become quanta mills. These ancient, simplest mills in hot water are not too diverse and will someday be identified, listed and systematized by chemists.

   DEFINITION. Molecular quanta mills are large organic molecules floating in the ocean, and effectively transform the absorbed large solar quanta into small ones. After that, these small quanta are transferred to surrounding molecules and converted into heat. That is why, in particular, turbid water heats up faster. Further, sometimes abbreviated terms will be used: quanta mills, quantum mills, mills.
It should be added to this the possibility of the existence of solar quanta mills in the form of colloidal coalescence of several molecules. These colloids could participate in all stages of the emergence and evolution of primary life.
It is emphasized once again: there is practically no other way of converting solar energy into the heat of ocean water, except by means of large molecules-quanta mills. Mills can serve and large dust particles floating in the water. In ancient times, the amount of organic matter in the ocean was large enough and the sun's rays were completely absorbed already at a depth of several meters.
Complex molecules in water effectively solve the problem of small grinding of energy quanta and their transformation into heat. Apparently, the reason is that large molecules, due to the mutual influence of atoms forming them, have a fairly dense, frequent spectrum of energy levels of electron shells. The distances between the levels allowed for energy hopping are small. This determines the fineness of grinding the quanta.
   It should be emphasized and remembered every time that all these quantum mills, organic molecules, light energy pressure are properties common to the whole Universe and objects. They are not invented by anyone, they are not created, they did not come from outer space and this is not a miracle. All this set of circumstances and processes existed and exists everywhere in the Universe. And this is not life. This is only a description of the surrounding landscape.
   The pressure of solar energy - the primary energy pressure generates excited molecules. The process of energy transfer moves further, from the molecule to the molecule. In the ocean, a number of such molecules are dissolved, which absorb and partially accumulate absorbed quanta from the Sun. On the one hand, these molecules sometimes become chemically active and part of the solar energy accumulates in the form of energy of chemical compounds. Another part of the absorbed solar energy is radiated to the surrounding substance. That is, molecules sometimes become sources of secondary energy pressure.

   DEFINITION. Secondary energy pressure is the irradiation of equilibrium molecules by quanta from the side of energetically excited molecules that have arisen as a result of the primary energy pressure of the Sun.
   Molecular quanta mills scatter crushed quanta onto surrounding molecules. That is, they just create a secondary energy pressure.
As a result of this secondary pressure, an energetically nonequilibrium energy is also created, displaced toward the excess of internal energy, the state of the irradiated molecules. Although it is quite natural that the quanta of the secondary energy pressure are two orders of magnitude weaker than the quanta of the solar energy pressure. But in the same amount of these quanta more. According to the total energy flow, these flows are equal - nobody canceled the law of Lomonosov. The secondary energy flow has a serious advantage. It is more uniform and constant. In the sphere of secondary (and higher order) flows, energy is transferred by small quanta, which do not destroy complex substances. Therefore, in the ocean at a depth and under the rays of the Sun, the secondary energy pressure is quite strong and a much larger variety of chemical compounds is possible here. New chemical compounds generate new quanta mills. Those quanta that are emitted from a large molecule, they continue to be ground in small, less energy-intensive mills.
   It makes sense (for better mastering) once again to imagine a primitive ocean under the rays of the sun. Mentally imagine as if under a very strong microscope a vertical section of the upper layer of water. It is saturated with large organic molecules. Let the solar quanta become visible, colored yellow. Organic molecules are also visible, they are black. And all the other molecules of water and salts are colored blue. Let the process take place so slowly that it is possible to distinguish the details. Then you can see large drops of solar quantum rain, which fall on the surface of the ocean. Some of these drops rebound from the ocean as springs from a solid surface and fly away upwards. Other large droplets pass through the water, and move up to collision with large black organic molecules, with which they merge for a while. That is, they are absorbed. The black molecules turn brown. Then, from brown molecules, energy droplets in small parts, but in a larger amount, are thrown out onto the surrounding molecules. Brown molecules are quanta mills. Small quanta - droplets are also absorbed, now already black molecules and blue water molecules. After a while these small drops are again ejected in even smaller parts and dissolved in water. And so on, all the way to the bottom of the ocean, until the yellow color dissolves at all, turning into mechanical heat.

   A discrete yellow energy rain is observed, penetrating into the oceanic water to a depth of several meters. It starts with rare, but large drops at the top. Then this rain becomes more and more dense to a depth of the order of one meter with ever smaller drops. The water turns yellow. But gradually this rain ends at a depth of several meters with rare and very small droplets. And further down the water again is blue. At night all the water gradually turns blue, but these diurnal swings are not considered by us and are not taken into account as not affecting the general picture of the origin of life.
   Practically in warm latitudes, the same ocean is now. With the significant difference that in the modern era in it the role of quanta mills is played by small living plant creatures. All stormy life in the ocean occurs during the day, under the rays of the sun. And at night it stops. The main process in the modern era is the conversion of solar energy not into heat, but using it for photosynthesis. Free-floating organic molecules are many orders of magnitude smaller, they are all absorbed by living beings. In addition, over billions of years, a huge amount of organic matter migrated from the ocean to the earth's surface, into coal, gas and oil layers. Therefore, organic matter in the ocean is now much less. But its number is growing with the burning of coal, oil and gas, with the clogging of the ocean. And this inspires optimism about the rapid emergence of Life on Earth after we destroy it (for those who did not understand: a joke!).
   Thus, it is intuitively felt that somewhere around here, under a layer of water, in an ancient organic ocean broth rich in organic, in the sphere of all the above-mentioned primary and secondary energy flows (as well as tertiary, etc.), and numerous chemical transformations driven by these flows a real life is born. And what is interesting is that the supporters of solar life and chemical, thermal and other forms of life will reconcile here. Because the secondary flow of energy is no longer a purely solar life, but more a thermal, chemical form of life.
The appearance of chemical activity under the influence of light coincides with the appearance of photosynthesis and is practically equivalent to it. Although this term usually refers to intracellular photosynthesis, which emerged (according to the textbook) about 2 billion years ago and is accompanied not only by the synthesis of substances, but also by the release of oxygen. But the process of the formation of complex molecules under the action of sunlight objectively exists in the inorganic world. On Earth, it emerged undoubtedly earlier than cellular organisms. It is possible that sometimes oxygen was also released. This means that photosynthesis has evolved along with chemical, pre-cellular life.
   The state of accumulated chemical energy is not stationary and stable. Some of the energy-intensive molecules are broken up by light quanta. Part is broken by secondary pressure or thermal collisions.


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