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   How do self-moving molecules differ from ordinary molecules? What are their advantages?

1. A self-moving molecule comes out of kinetic laws! Other laws come into force, unknown in the dead nature. Maybe they somehow are related to the kinetics, but as far as the three-dimensional space is related to the one-dimensional one. The laws of self-moving molecules are multidimensional, in contrast to the one-dimensional kinetics. For them, the usual rules for the redistribution of energy and entropy are not fulfilled. The usual temperature dependences are not satisfied. Chemical laws controlling the concentration of substances are not complied with. A self-moving substance can reach many times higher concentrations at one point than a similar substance, but without movement. Here it is possible to stick to the molecules that meet and form huge new organic molecules and colloids.
Moreover, the molecules can be carriers of quanta, carriers of energy for movement! That is, the self-moving molecule, as it were, already absorbs food!
A self-moving molecule without an external shock begins to move from a state of rest, as if violating the laws of the dynamics of molecules.

2. Self-moving molecules begin to fill a new ecological niche, previously unknown in inanimate nature. This niche is huge. This is the greatest variety of both moving and conventional chemical compounds.
An important branch in this new niche. The presence of several engines (flagella) from a large molecule and the ability to move around can lead to a phenomenon such as the ability to automatically capture the gradient of energy concentration in the environment. It is possible that such molecules will appear that will include strictly those engines (flagella) that will direct them, for example, along the trajectory of constancy of this gradient! Maybe they will unfold under the action of the gradient, and maybe inside them the flow of energy will go to other engines (flagella). But as a result, the molecule will float in the ocean so as not to approach the surface, where the solar quanta are deadly. And do not swim into the depths, where there is no energy and death is also inevitable. Such mills get an advantage over other molecules, and therefore for them there is a branch from the common niche!
Furthermore. Already at the level of molecules there is absorption, digestion and excretion, at first only energy quanta. At the same time, together with the inevitable growth in the size of these molecules, the substance is drawn into the processes (for example, during the formation of flagella), metabolism begins. Begin to fulfill the necessary properties of the living.
One should pay attention to one more thing. A self-moving molecule builds up the body! It shifts the kinetic equilibrium toward large rapidly moving molecules, toward the like themselves. Until the moment when a too hot solar quantum or a fast molecule hits it, it will have time to build up a large body and several new engines (flagella)! This large body, on the one hand, will protect it, will not let it perish. Let and at the cost of detaching a small piece, but rather without it. A large molecule can hold a punch! Its energy capacity is sufficient to absorb the hardest solar quantum. And on the other hand, if it breaks up, then into pieces with engines (flagella), that is, molecules from the same family. These pieces, into which a large self-moving molecule collapses, sooner or later, through intermediate stages, will still be joined into the same molecule. And the faster these pieces move, the faster the recovery of a large molecule. This is the beginning of reproduction.

   Further. In an implicit form, the process of reproduction is present even among inanimate molecules and in kinetic processes. That is, all large molecules once split into parts. And at the same time, the same molecules are formed from some other molecular pieces from time to time. This is a kinetic process, dissociation and association. This is an equilibrium state and, on average, an invariable quantity of each type of molecule. But the self-moving molecule becomes chemically more active. It quickly restores the broken pieces. The faster moves, the faster it repairs.
Earlier it was stated that the source of all life processes is solar energy pressure. Similarly, this pressure is also driven by the process of changes in the compositions and concentrations of quantum molecular mills. If you can invent the largest and fastest moving molecule - a quantum mill, then solar energy pressure will lead to it. If such a molecule has the property that after destruction from each piece grows the same, then the solar energy pressure will lead to it. If there are several variants of such molecules, all variants will be realized and a shift to one of them will occur under the effect of additional advantages. If at some stage the processes lead to the stable existence of a new substance (and this will certainly happen many, many times), this substance will be included as a building material in all new types of quantum mills.
As long as there is a movement of a molecule, its shooting with quanta or rowing with flagella with repulsion from surrounding molecules, until then there's Life! This thesis can serve as a basis for an accurate definition of the concept of Life.
Next, we need to introduce a new term for self-moving molecules. In parallel, there is a desire to pay tribute to the hypothesis of panspermia. And is it worthwhile to come up with a new term when there is already a universally recognized term? Therefore, "the bast is in line."

   Definition. Pansperma is a large organic molecule - a solar quanta mill, with engines - molecular flagella or electronic motors, through which small quanta flow into the environment. Under the action of the energy flowing along them, the entire molecule is set in motion.
Such a term will be convenient in the first place for its brevity, secondly, it is accustomed to its sound, and thirdly it coincides with the meaning implied in it. This is a very good term.
Pansperms can be of all sizes. From small molecules and up to huge colloidal clumping of molecules visible to the naked eye. To put it more accurately, pansperms do not so much swim themselves forward, as they shovel around themselves.
Consequence. Life is not only a quantum-energy, but also a macro-mechanical and hydrodynamic process. This is a triune process.
Complex programs are possible. There are possible such pansperms, which in the beginning will include strictly those engines (flagella), which will direct them towards increasing the gradient of some substance dissolved in water! The molecule will float in the direction of increasing the concentration of substances or energy, upward, toward the sun. Then, grabbing quanta or molecules of substances, this pansperm switches the action of the engines (flagella) under the influence of the received energy and goes down. There it is safe and there it absorbs the absorbed and pours out small quanta. So they run up and down all their lives. Super-sensation! Molecules are looking for food! Instinct of self-preservation of molecules! Naturally, such pansperms will also have an evolutionary advantage.
Thus, programs of behavior are already possible at the level of molecules - pansperm.
It should be remembered that, following the advent of self-moving molecules, evolution has not yet begun in pure form, but only the filling of a new and utterly huge ecological niche. Evolution will begin later, with the appearance of self-reproduction of molecules.
The great power of life is that the internal energy of molecules, given by the Sun, can effectively be transformed into the mechanical energy of its movement. This is exactly the force that was sought in panspermia. Even the term "panspermia" seems to be taken by accident, but no. In whatever language this term was used for the first time, all Indo-European languages ​​are related. In this word veiled this very flagellum sits: Sperm! And the main role of this flagellum: Pan! And even all of us, descended from the flagellum: Pan - Sperm - and - I! Accident? I do not think so. Rather, the confirmation of the thesis that the truth is in the air. Sense, however, was not cosmic in all this, but there was no cosmos in the term. This is the aura of fantasy that always surrounds the unknown.

   Just as the weight in a pendulum clock pulls the chain, which puts pressure on the internal carriage of the movement and causes ticking pendulum, and solar power generators and pressure generates every second ticking life in billions of places of the ocean. It was in antiquity, it continues today and will always, in spite of any unsuccessful experiments. It would be organic. And this life is ticking and there as long as a large molecule absorbed quantum of light pulses in the molecule and small pieces, Quantico, allowed by quantum mechanics, is sprayed onto the surrounding molecules and converted into heat. Push the mother molecule forward, to evolution.

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The page is available on the site in 2005.


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