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Russia's original ...

The beginning of the History of Russia.

1. Preface.

A thousand Western historians have lied for a thousand years, they have been screwed up, pulled by their ears, and one Russian has exposed all the truth and written the truth in one year. Truth can always be restored, this was proved by Sherlock Holmes. By some elusive hairs, scraps, traces, fingerprints, prints written on a sheet of paper, smells, logical chains, logical absurdities, strange coincidences of time or space-separated events, randomly heard words, and randomly seen views. And even more so the historical truth. When the spectrum of real artifacts is huge and it is physically impossible to forge everything.
This version of the History of Russia certainly could not be wholly born in one head. It is based on the works of the classics of the New Chronology. Not all of them were read by the author. The main, of course, where everything began, is Nosovsky and Fomenko. I remember my mother-in-law brought the book "Empire", a year in 1990-something. Although they were not the first in this issue, they, too, are someone else's successors, about what they themselves write. There were a few respectable historians, whose works inspired the author. Sergey Shvedov; author of germanicvs.com (he does not betray himself); A.Dragunkin; BIProtasov; B.Didenko; quite authoritative site Wikipedia; and here is the last, often quoted here Anatoly Klyosov. As if the author stands on the shoulders of giants. It is quite natural in a purely scientific sense. If there is time, it will be necessary to compile a complete list of participants in the New Chronology project.
But in financial terms in the domestic science everything is the opposite, the pyramid is turned upside down, financial giants - budget absorbers, various research institutes and academies are on the shoulders of low-paid scientists - singles - enthusiasts. These absorbers then assign themselves a large part of themselves in their false compilations, speculations and dissertations. They then travel around the conferences and appear on television.
It is rather difficult to concentrate on the main thing in the presentation, without spreading the thought over the tree. Many authors in their exposition go into details, into criticism of the generally accepted chronology, and forget the original goal - a new, correct chronology. Yes, perhaps they do not forget, but simply can not distinguish it from the diversity of facts, events and versions. For this reason, we adopted such a plan: immediately, in the quarry, to set forth the true chronology, occasionally saddling her with reasonings. Maybe someday we'll add more of this reasoning and write a more convincing book.
In fact, there are different types of scientists. Some are spreading over the details and are proud of it. Such majority. But we need and meet scientists - synthesizers, who are able to collect a lot of diverse facts into a single and beautiful picture. So, the author managed to collect almost all physics under one formula: the wave three-dimensional equation. However, for 8 years already the author has been stigmatized by the ruling near-scientific code, and from honest scientists no one can believe, understand and check the most important results. With billions of economic dividends and radiant scientific prospects.
Also, most of our readers are well prepared in terms of generally accepted history and it is difficult to convince them. It is always harder to learn than to learn from scratch. For every phrase they have a lot of arguments against. However, all these arguments "against" are easily broken by our counterarguments, only have the patience to finish reading or think out for yourself.


Figure 7. The Frankish Empire, the 800's. In the upper right corner in green - Австразия.


Figure 8. The French Empire in 814 and the surrounding territories. Directly to Австразии The Slavic territories adjoin (Czech Bohemia and Serbia).

2. The emergence of Russia.  Авст-Разия.

   Where does the Holy Russia come from, we learn here and now.
Before reading this chapter, it is advisable to get acquainted with our previous article "The Tsar's word of the Russian language." This is important for understanding the logic of the author's reasoning.
One of the main postulates is taken by the fact that the True History of Russia is somewhere hidden in famous writings and books. Only the names there are different and the context is different. And the name of Russia is not mentioned there. But, perhaps, all this is somehow encrypted with the possibility of recovery. Here we will restore.
1) A huge layer of modern Russian language is associated with the word
ЦАРЬ and its derivatives. The great meaning of the word ЦАРЬ in Russian, and in all European languages, indicates that the very name Славяне does not come from the verb "to be famous" or the noun "word", but from the name Царевы, that is, those belonging to the King. Славяне = Царевы. And this belonging, this subordination was not a formality. This subordination was in the people understood, recognized and approved, which was reflected in the huge number of Russian words derived from the word Царь. ПMost of these words carry a positive, high value.
From the word Царь, Царёвы, или Галл = Царь, most of the names of Slavic and generally European states occur:
Алжир = Эль-Царь (эль -
Англия = Эн-Галлия = Эн-Цария (эн -
Венгрия = Вен-Цария (венеды - славяне);
Германия = Царь-Мания;
Герцеговина = Царич-Говина (насчёт Говина - вопрос отдельный),
Голландия = Царь-Ландия;
Гренландия = Царин-Ландия;
Греция = Царичия;
Грузия = Царичия;
Египет = Е-Царит (е -
article); (!!!)
Израиль = И-Цариль; (И -
Карелия = Царилия (или Карлия);
Крит (остров) = Царит;
Нигерия = Не-Цария; (негр = не царь)
Польша = По-Руссия (ср.Пруссия),
Португалия = Порту-Цария;
Сербия = Царева;
Сирия = Цария;
Сицилия = Си-Цария;
Словакия = Царевичия;
Словения = Царевения;
Украина = У-Царина;
Халифат = Царевич;
Хорватия = Царевичия;
Швейцария = Швей-Цария (швей -
separate conversation);
This is where Egypt comes from. The Tsarites migrated there however. Копты = Цариты. They just (according to Fomenko - Nosovsky) not very long ago there the pyramids were made. It's not 4000 - 5000 years ago, but at most, 1200 - 1400 years ago, or even less. Like the Chinese wall is not built for a long time.
    European (and not only) cities
Бухара = Бу-Цара; (Бу -
Бухарест = Бу-Царист; (Бу -
Глазго = Царичич;
Дакар = Да-Царь;
Иерусалим = ???-Царим;
Каир = Царь;
Кал-гари = Царь-Царь;
Керчь = Царич;
Киев = Царёв (
perhaps there is another option)
Конакри = Кона-Царь; (Кона = Сан ???)
Копенгаген = Цариничин;
Краков = Царичев;
Курск = Царск;
Люцерна = Ле - Царина (ле - article);
Осло = О-Царо;
Сараево = Царёво;
Сиракузы = Царичич;
Сирт (Ливия) = Царит;
Стокгольм = Сток-Царим;

Тегеран - Те-Царин;
Харьков = Царьков (
a diminutive!)
Хельсинки = Царичинич;
Херсон = Царичин;
Церн = Царин;
Цюрих = Царич;
Чернигов = Цариничев;
Штутгарт (ср. Стокгольм) = Штут-Царит;
and so on, there are very, very many.
    And what can we say about the numerous ancient names and names, both Russian and European, so this must necessarily be looked at all by the tables in the previous article. Their darkness is dark, containing variations of the word
ЦАРЬ. All these Гартунги, Гарфилды, Геростраты, Мюнцер, Церетели, Пельтцер, Сруль, …
And this - apart from Russian words, in which the word "Царь", типа Сирин, Сердце, Рыцарь, Карцер, Циркуль, …
And this - apart from European cities, in the names of which the Russian word or the root is openly present Рус: Брюссель; Марсель; Варшава; Вроцлав; Прага, Иерусалим и др.
Here are playing cards. What is depicted on them? - It Цариты, (с) Dubinyansky. Карты = Цариты. This is the family of the king, one of the first (French?) Kings. The king himself is ДжокерJoker = Е-Царь (е - article). Далее король - initially цариль, that is, belonging to the royal family, one of the men. This is also confirmed by the names of the French kings: карломан, каролинги. For comparison: the tsar is similar in structure to the Russian хахаль. Next, the lady is clear, wife or one of the wives. Валет = Брат. From here comes the Russian блат, по блату. One of the suits - крести, that is, just at this time a gesture of baptism is introduced into the tradition (see below!), but Jesus and Christianity do not even smell in cards (!). Baptism means the small growth of the Joker and, perhaps, the King. That is, the French and there is a cross suit. Крести = франки. Next suit червы - means Царёвы, that is, most likely - Славяне. What the other card suits mean is a separate topic. It is possible that пики - пApproved worms, only black (bad) and with a spike on top of the heart - these are behind the Slavs Хазары. Tambov has no hypotheses yet. Maybe something African, Negro? From the French colonies?


2) The name of the eastern part of the French Empire 5 - 9 centuries AD: Австразия. (see Figures 7 and 8). Later on a small part remained Austria. But where did it go? Разия?! Or there was only Азия, but this is the center of Europe? And what was that?
    In this era of 500 - 900 the main kings of Western Europe were the French kings, Merovingians, Carolingians and others. A province
Австразия ruled the following French kings (in the right column of the years of government, AD)


Реймс (= Австразия)

Теодорик I


Теодеберт I




Хлотар I




Сигеберт I


Хильдеберт II


Теодеберт II


Теодорик II


Сигеберт II


Хлотар II


Дагоберт I


Сигеберт III


Хильдеберт Приемный


Хлотар III


Хильдерик II


Хлодвиг III


Дагоберт II




Теодорик III


Хлодвиг IV


Хильдеберт III


Дагоберт III


Хильперик II


Хлотар IV


Хильперик II


Теодорик IV




Хильдерик III




Пипин Короткий


Карломан I (Бургундия, Алемания, юг Австразии)
Карл I Великий (Нейстрия, Аквитания, север Австразии)


Карл I Великий


Карл I Великий
Людовик I Благочестивый


Людовик I Благочестивый




Presence in the names of the letters ХЛ and ХИЛЬ, especially КАРЛ leads to some doubts about the correctness of their understanding. The very same combinations of letters already mean ЦАРЬ. And the probability theory is on our side, these combinations are too many. But the originals of writing we do not.
    The name itself
Австразия (northeastern part of the French empire, Fig. 7, Fig. 8) is not invented by the Slavs, it is not excluded that it is already distorted, it carries the word Russia: Авст-Разия = Авст-Россия.
Россия -
it was a kind of unifying name for all the Eastern European (Slavic) states and peoples that are subordinate to the king of Australia. Just as we now call Siberia a lot of Asian regions and peoples living on them.
    Name Australia (for comparison:
Авст-Ралия, П-Руссия) is not interpreted as Австр-Азия (which in Europe can Asia be like ?!), but how Авст-Разия, и, возможно, по этой причине и является прото - названием будущей России. This conclusion is supported by the cartography of that time.
    The ancient map (see figures 7, 8) shows that the Slavic territories directly bordered the French Empire. And considering that this is, perhaps, already a distorted map, intentionally distorted by Western historians, it can be argued that the Slavic territories not only bordered, but were simply part of the French empire. Or more narrowly: they were part of the
Австразии and obeyed her. Obeyed all the French kings.
    I note in addition that there are still such considerations. They are more romantic in nature, but there is some sense in them.

- Why our ВОСТОК, is Восток. And they WEST - is Запад?

- From what components is the word collected АВСТРАЗИЯ? These are the territories where most people lived and now live in genetics and Slavs.
- These two questions allow us to make a hypothesis. Word
АВСТРАЗИЯ - it was originally а-ВЕСТ-РАЗИЯ, here а - article. That is, already in the 6th century, for the French there ЗАПАДНАЯ РАЗИЯ. So it is, if you look at the map РАЗИИ.
And the word АЗИЯ later came from the word РАЗИЯ.
And the word РОССИЯ later came from the word РАЗИЯ.
And the word РАЗИТЬ (врага) - later came from the word РАЗИЯ.
And the word Степан РАЗИН - later came from the word РАЗИЯ.
And this is confirmed by studies of haplogroups (see figures). Austria and Germany, Sweden and Norway up to 30% - Slavic peoples. Not to mention Poland or the Czech Republic or Slovakia. Part of the Slavic territories the French won (or somehow subordinated) and named them Western Razia = a-West-Rasia = Australia.
And then the discrepancies began, because different frames of reference. The words East and West are native Russian words, according to the Wailing and the Sunset. But the western guys have borrowed these words from us, and they got confused, where is what and how. And they took a pair of similar derivative words from the same word East: West and Ost. This Western part of Russia was for them in the East, and for Russians - in the West.
Later, politically purposefully, there was a gradual separation from a huge DIFFERENCE first East Germany, then Prussia, then Austria, then Poland, the Czech Republic, etc. The agents of influence, within the framework of the "reforms", deliberately changed the alphabets and thus something happened that continues to this day. Look at the remnants of great Yugoslavia.
Take, read the texts in Polish or Czech. With the smallest skill, they are read (and obeyed) as easily as Ukrainian ones. We, all Slavs, have a common Old Russian language, Sanskrit = San Tsarit. We in the past are a single Slavic country of Australia.
The methods applied by Western Europeans in their attack on the Slavs are well illustrated by a well-known historical example. When the leaders of all the Prussian tribes were gathered together in one place for negotiations, and then they were cut. This is one of the fragments of the epoch of crushed skulls. It is presented in an encrypted form.
The era of crushed skulls continues. Is your skull still fractured? Then we go (we fly on NATO planes) to you.


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