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Russia's original ...

Why do Russian soldiers attack URA when attacking?

July 10, 2011 at 2:41 pm As a Hyde Parker Martyr of Science

Who will say why the Russians shouting URA when attacking? Of course there are many versions. But they are unconvincing. I think the most convincing version is this. URA means URA! That is IN WAY. The Russians must go into rage to fight. Because they have a high threshold of aggressive excitability, they are kind.
The Russian chromosome R1a, which influences the aggression threshold of a man, was good in hand-to-hand combat, as evidenced by the current victories of Fedor Emelianenko, the Klitschko brothers, Nikolai Valuev and many other power athletes. Y-chromosome R1a defines the threshold level of mutual aggression, after which men enter into a fight. And the Russian chromosome was at a higher level of this threshold. I mean, if Caucasians grab for knives after two or three words, then Russian men are less agitated for mutual aggression, and to get them out of themselves you have to be very irritated by them. And from here there was an opportunity of evolution in Russian bogatyrs. It is the Russians, because only with such a "mature" chromosome R1a the heroes did not launch their heroic strength for nothing and did not conflict with the collective. Roughly speaking, the bogatyrs in all other haplogroups are not adequately aggressive and quickly enter into conflict with the collective and their entire collective had to be cleaned. But the Russian heroes, such mighty good-hearted people, they allow you to make fun of yourself, and banter and live peacefully with anybody. This is confirmed in all bylinas and later literary works. This moment is also important in family life. The woman was not afraid of the Russian hero - a man that he would knock her. And still not afraid. If someone knocks or oppresses a woman in Russia, these are other haplogroups from our territory, not R1a. This advantage of the Russian hero we see in force sports. As soon as the borders were opened, our bogatyrs immediately squeezed out of the boxing and fights of the M1 seemingly invincible heroes - Negroes.
Thus, our ancient heroes, in order to introduce themselves into a rage, shouted:
У РАЖ! But later generations lost the sense of what they were shouting. Russians have degraded from strong dilution by non-Russian tribes. РАЖ, ВРАЖЕСКИЙ, English RAGE (hatred) - these are some supporting elements.
And now, to the name of Russia. It seems that even the name Russia itself is not our own, although we are trying to give some explanation for this name, we are attracting for the ears those who are hands, who are the rivers, who are the dispersion of peoples. For example, CHINA (China) comes from the English spelling of the Russian word CHINA = САХИНЫ. That is, САХА-Якутия. Всё дело в том, что англичане на много веков раньше чем россияне овладели печатью текстов и они задали тон во всех написаниях и придумках названий всего что можно. Англичане переиначили и переврали все термины, всю историю в угоду самим себе. ЧИНА, on our China - there is the resettlement of our Russian Mongoloid peoples of Siberia (CHINA = САХИНЫ) in ancient times to the south, and it is possible that just under the pressure of Rusich, from which they tried to wall off a wall. However, the words are also related Я-КУТИЯ и КИТАЙ, КУТ - КИТ. So, going back to the title РОССИЯ, I think that it goes also from the English name. And the name is English RAGE, that is hatred. Remember the words of Margaret Thatcher about how many Russians should remain ?! And it is pronounced, RUSSIA in English РАША. Almost like ours РАЖ. Almost like the English RAGE. This hatred is ancient. This hatred between R1b and R1a is deep, causal, instinctive, not to life but to death. And under her pressure and in her favor, the whole world history of mankind has been turned. All the enemies of Russia, all the nouveau riche, swindlers, mayors, Berezovyns and Suvorovs with embraces are accepted in the west. But this is a separate issue.


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