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The emergence of quantum mechanics in a gukuum. Part 3.


Abstract. It is shown that if we assume that the electron and proton are solid balls, then the speed of their rotation on the surface is close to the speed of light. This can not be an accidental result, but has no explanation in traditional physics. And in the theory of the elastic universe, this is easily explained.


Spin and linear velocity of internal points of elementary particles.
   Reasoning about the form or internal arrangement of elementary particles, for example an electron, in modern physics is easily referred to as "meaningless". Since their eyes are not visible, then there is nothing to ask! Microbes were born with the invention of a microscope (Mikhail Genin). Attempts of such reasoning always end with the words that "laws and concepts of classical physics cease to operate in the microcosm". If the location of the object itself is unknown, this is an
Ψ-function, then what about the device? Smeared - and that's it.

   The same is said about the physical meaning of the angular momentum - the spin of an electron (proton). Rotation as it were, the spin is also there, but to ask how this rotation looks "does not make sense."
   There are analogies in the macro world. Let's say we want to ask the oligarch: how did you earn your billions? - And you answer: your question does not make sense! Commercial, they say, a mystery.
   And we will ask! We even try to determine the linear velocity of any point of the electron as it rotates. And at the same time a proton.
   And suppose the simplest thing is that an electron (proton) is a tiny solid ball. We assume that the main central part of this sphere has some average density and certain physical parameters close to known experimental and theoretical values
​​for an electron or a proton. We drive both particles.
  We have experimental values

- rest mass of the electron: me ;
                                                                 }               (2-46)
rest mass of the proton:   mp ;

  We have theoretical values obtained from quantum physics:

- electron spin       (Se=√3/2ћ) ;
                                                                   }               (2-47)
- spin of the proton (Sp=1/2ћ) ;

   As the linear dimension of the object, we take its Compton wavelength, confirmed both experimentally and theoretically:


   This is the diameter of the object. The radius is 2 times smaller:



Next, we make the appropriate calculations.
1) We calculate the moments of inertia of the objects
Ie, Ip. Since we do not know their forms reliably, we introduce the correction factors ke and kp, each of which, depending on the shape, can theoretically have a value of almost 0.0 (a needle rotating around the axis) to 1.0 (with the exact form of a wide and a thin "bagel"). (Remember (2-38)). For example, a value of 0.4 is achieved with the exact shape of the ball. The real form of an elementary particle differs markedly from a ball or a donut, which is more extended in space and has a density distributed in space.

    electron:   Ie=kemeRe2;
                                                                  }               (2-50)
proton:       Ip=kpmpRp2 ;

2) From the formula S=I•ω, we find the angular velocity of rotation of objects:



3) This angular velocity corresponds to the linear velocity  Ve, Vp  "of the surface" of the objects (formulas (2-47), (2-49), (2-50):



4) We draw conclusions. The result depends on the shape of the object (coefficient k in calculating the moment of inertia) and on the coefficients in the formulas for the spins of the electron or proton (√3/2 and ½). Due to the smallness of k≈0,1, the final result was 1.5 - 2 times higher than the speed of light. But we take into account that in the accepted "homogeneous" model the extreme points of the electron (proton) move faster, the internal ones - more slowly. In short, whatever one may say, on the average, it is about the speed of light. Both the electron and the proton. The result, which can hardly be called random. We spent an hour doing "meaningless" calculations, but got an absolutely meaningful, highlighted result! Probably, this result is also implicitly contained in the quantum-relative theory. But for some reason no one wants to drag him to the light of day.
   It's not like that, guys! - said Vladimir Vysotsky. This is not a signal, it's a dilemma: either - either! Either something in half, or something to smithereens. Einstein and Schrodinger deprive the meaning of these arguments, because according to Einstein at speeds of the order of the speed of light, the mass grows to infinity, and according to Schroedinger they have neither shape nor size. However, everything in the world is "relatively" and it is not known what and who is depriving anyone of the meaning. The theory of Gukuum has an answer, according to which the wave vortices in the Gukuum just rotate with light linear velocity! Actually mass - it always moves and always exclusively with light speed. Electron and proton are not a single whole, but each element in them, each point moves along its closed trajectory and not only with the speed of light.
   The latest calculations of Part 1.7 are regarded as a serious confirmation of Gukuum theory! And this confirmation is not the last

Опубликовано: https://www.academia.edu/34586623/The_emergence_of_quantum_mechanics_in_a_gukuum._Part_3


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