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A unified theory of all fields. The Aaronov-Bohm effect. The fourth field.

© Alexandr I Dubinyansky, Pavel Churlaev. 2017.10.26.

   Next, we strain the imagination a little, so as not to waste time on the drawings.

   Foreword. According to theory Alexandr I Dubinyansky & Pavel Churlyaev, for the displacement vector W(x,y,z) of space Gukuum the Helmholtz theorem is applicable. This means that the vector W(x,y,z) can be decomposed into two vectors:

W = A + G

Where A(x,y,z) vector electromagnetic potential, and G(x,y,z) is a quantity directly related to the stress of the gravitational field. Moreover, the vector potential A(x,y,z) reflects the component of the displacement vector W(x,y,z), for which divA=0. And the gravitational field satisfies condition rotG=0.

   A task. The effect of Aaronov-Bohm is known. Something, not yet known, acts on an electron in areas where there is no electromagnetic field. How is this possible?! Until now, it was believed that the vector potential A(x,y,z) is some abstract magnitude and has no real physical meaning. In the light of the Aharonov-Bohm effect, it is assumed that the vector potential A(x,y,z) has a physical meaning, but which one?
   Decision. But the physical meaning of the vector potential A(x,y,z) very simple. This is part of the displacement vector of the cosmic vacuum. And that part of the displacement vector W(x,y,z), for which divA=0. As is known, the vector potential A(x,y,z) of electromagnetic field has 3 dimensions. Not 1, not 2, but 3! This means that the vector function A(x,y,z) can be decomposed into 3 mutually perpendicular directions. As is known, the magnitude of the electric field strength E and magnetic field H in an electromagnetic wave are always perpendicular to each other. Two vectors E and H lie in the same plane. This means that the three-dimensional function A(x,y,z) It is impossible to decompose it in two vectors E and H. There will always remain an unused vector projection A(x,y,z), on a direction perpendicular to the vectors E and H. Vectors E and H do not exhaust the whole vector A(x,y,z). There is one more vector, one more characteristic, one more field, let's call it Dubinyansky field, and let's denote it by the letter D(x,y,z). Which itself manifests itself in the Aaron-Bohm effect. Naturally, this is a component D(x,y,z) of vector A(x,y,z) and affects the behavior of particles.

   Apparently, component D(x,y,z) is present in all electromagnetic processes and phenomena. Simply, it is difficult to detect with the help of electromagnetic equipment. Because all electromagnetic equipment is configured only to detect an electromagnetic field.
    It is very likely that it is the component
D(x,y,z) is present in such phenomena as spherical and dotted lightning.


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