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important role in understanding the phenomenon of life is played by a
good understanding of quantum physics. In turn, the theory of Gukuum
([22] - [26]) that plays an important role in understanding quantum
physics, namely physics, physical processes, and not meaningless
mathematical matrices, tensors and operators. It is very important to
take into account the following circumstances. These theses should not
be taken as some prerequisites - a lemma to the proof of a theorem, but
they simply need to be kept in mind as a certain background for all the
rest of the presentation.
Electron is not a point,
furiously wandering in an atom or molecule.
A popular image of an atom
in the form of a central core with three ellipses around, on which the points
are marked - electrons:
— it's
full of foolishness and naivety.
An electron is a
real cloud.
An electron is a localized wave formation of the universal GUKUUM =
VACUUM (see our website www.universe100.narod.ru, there is a portrait of
an electron and other elementary particles).
And this cloud actually increases when the atom absorbs energy and
decreases when it is emitted.
Electrons in a multi-electron atom are arranged by successive shells.
These shells are enclosed in one atom in one atom, and in other atoms
are pressed against each other, rubbing each other and creating a
multilobed form atom.
And in the center of all these events is the nucleus of the atom.
Which also has a multi-fleck cloud, but two thousand times
smaller and (in spite of all habits and expectations) as many times as
much weight (the paradox explained by us).
is, the electron actually in the atom actually inflates and even changes
its shape to a multilobed one when the atom absorbs quanta of
With the free electron, the absorption of photons has not yet been observed,
but have we searched for it correctly?
2. All the processes of transitions and transformations of energy within
atoms and molecules occur solely from discrete, quantum laws.
There is no simple leakage of energy, as it were through a hole, from an
excited molecule to the environment and turning it into heat.
3. For any transitions and transformations of energy inside atoms and
molecules, there is a strictly determined probability of a given
transition and transformation under given conditions.
Some transitions are very
likely. Others are less
likely. Third transitions are generally impossible.
4. Experiment number 1.
Let's pass monochromatic light (from a laser light pointer) through a
not very clean liquid enclosed between two parallel flat glasses.
speaking, through an aquarium or water from a puddle.
course, all the elements and the light source are fixed.
On the reverse side, we fix a white sheet of paper to observe the light
emerging from the aquarium.
The decrease in the intensity of light at the exit occurs as
a result of the absorption of some photons by the liquid.
Photons are not absorbed all at once, everything is
completely, because for their absorption we need a certain instantaneous
configuration of sorins, molecules, atoms, electronic shells.
The main conclusion.
When light passes through a liquid, photons do not tear apart.
Otherwise there would be a change in their color, color divorces, which
were never observed in science and in nature.
The color of a
photon is determined by its energy.
Yes, white light
splits in the rainbow.
But white light is a mixture of many colors, many photons with different
And monochromatic light never changes, except in the Doppler
if we take a "very ultraviolet" laser, so that the "pieces" of photons
are in the visible spectrum, we still will not see any light divorces.
It is impossible to imagine the process of the conversion of
a high-frequency wavelet to two low-frequency electromagnetic waves.
The photon is either completely absorbed by the medium,
either completely reflected from its surface, or entirely, without
change passes through this medium.
confirmation of the integrity of the photon is the fundamental Planck
In addition to
its basic value, it additionally makes sense of the constancy of the
size and configuration of the photon. Regardless of where this photon
came from and what process it was formed. There are no photons of type:
The dimensions, configuration, momentum and energy of a photon are
determined solely by its frequency.
Unfortunately, the lack of time, resources and attention to us from the
Academy of Sciences does not allow us to establish the listed parameters
of a photon and some other particles.
So far we have identified only the parameters of an electron, a proton and a
5. Experiment number 2.
Let us
consider the known experiments from radiophysics.
Here is a list of known and interesting results and our own conclusions.
We take them without stretching, straining and ambiguous interpretations.
The optimum antenna size for receiving a radio wave is close to the
wavelength of this wave.
Any multiple lengths do not interest us.
For radio transmission, the optimal size of the transmitting antenna
must also be close to the length of the radio wave.
Multiple lengths
again do not interest us.
a. Own
output number 1.
Like quanta of light, radio waves are compact formations with a size
close to the wavelength.
Let physicists forgive us if we repeated someone's statements.
Like the quanta of light, radio waves are also exclusively photons!
The nature of electromagnetism is unified, regardless of size and scale.
And this nature is quantum.
Own output number 2.
As in experiments with the passage of light quanta through an aquarium,
quanta - radio waves passing through certain objects (urban forest from
antennas) do not tear apart.
Quanta - radio waves are either absorbed entirely, either reflected
whole or pass through the object without change.
This is confirmed by the fact that the wave from the radio transmitter in its
further movement, reflection, refraction, absorption does not change the
frequency (except for the Doppler effect in reflection or motion).
6. Own conclusion number
Now draw the reverse analogies from the macroworld (radio waves) again
to the microworld.
In a large organic molecule, the motion of free electrons is possible.
This phenomenon exists, there is even a conductive organic material
produced in industrial quantities.
Consequently, such an organic molecule, located more or less
perpendicular to the direction of motion of a photon, is capable of
absorbing a light quantum in a manner similar to the reception of a
radio antenna absorbing a radio wave.
A photon, like a radio wave in a receiving antenna, should be best
absorbed by a molecule if the size of the molecule is close to the
wavelength of this photon.
Of course, we should not focus only on such a mechanism for absorbing a
photon. Nature is diverse.
We estimate the size of organic molecules capable of absorbing the
visible light optimally.
We use only those directories that are available to us, that were bought
15-20-30 years ago.
Visible sunlight is located in the wave interval from 760 mk
(millimicron, 10-6
cm) up to 380 mmk.
That is, the wavelength of light is about 5 · 10-4
cm. According to the physical reference, the effective size of the
molecules of a real gas, obtained from the Van der Waals equation is 10-7
see This is the
size at which electronic shells of gas molecules begin to overlap and
they begin to repulse. Real gases are
CO2, O2, N2.
The real gas is so
good that it is close in composition to the composition of the organics.
Dividing the length of the light wave 5·10-4
the van der Waals parameter, 10-7
see the result:
the organic molecule must be in the length of the order 5·103
molecules of real
gas. Or, roughly speaking, should contain the order 103 - 104
carbon atoms.
The result is quite
Because, even if a molecule contains one hundred times less atoms, it
still does not completely lose the ability to absorb solar photons.
Let's recall a
comparison with antennas.
Even a small antenna, in several decimeters, takes the first TV channel
with a wavelength of about 3 meters.
Thus, starting with approximately 50-100 organic carbon
chains, these chains acquire the ability to absorb solar photons.
course, in modern plants to absorb solar quanta, just chains of length
of the order of 104 аvolumes
of carbon. There is no suitable reference at hand to clarify the length
of the molecules (and their associations) of chlorophyll, which serves
in plants for this purpose, but there is certainty that the length of
its molecules (or their associations) is exactly this.
But we have not finished the discussion of experiments
and №2.
Own output number 4.
There is a generally accepted view that passing through an antenna, an
electromagnetic wave (radio wave), as it were, swings the electrons in
the antenna, creates currents that are further amplified and detected.
And the wave itself - allegedly rocked and flew farther as if nothing
had happened. Where
is the law of conservation of energy ?!
We believe that this is not
true. These
are naive obsolete ideas.
All that happens in electromagnetism is only quantum processes.
No rocking "for a healthy life" does not exist.
8. A similar
experiment. Here is the microwave
The electromagnetic waves generated by it are converted into heat,
kinetic energy of molecules.
What is the micro-mechanism
of the process?
Also the buildup
of molecules by an alternating field?
At first glance, it seems to be the way it is, it is also generally
recognized. And this again is
not true.
We have already concluded that the nature of electromagnetic waves and
photons is one, these are localized objects.
What happens when photons hit a leaf of a tree, too, swing chlorophyll?
they lose energy, which means they change color?
Again Vysotsky: It's
not like that, guys!
Both radio antennas and the microwave oven receive fluxes of
macro-photons, radio-photons or infrared photons, which are absorbed.
Whole, without waste.
No swinging takes
place anywhere.
And there are only quanta absorption.
And not necessarily on the surface of the antenna.
9. Own output number 5.
unusual for understanding the conclusion.
And it can not be done within the framework of traditional physics.
Well, how does the electromagnetic field turn into the kinetic energy of
the molecule ?!
The answer is this: all matter and energy are one-sided and they are
fluctuations of Gukum = Vacuum, described by us in the website
www.universe100.narod.ru of the description of the universe.
And elementary particles, and molecules, and photons, and quarks, and
mesons, and cobsons and all-all-everything;
and plus to this kinetic and any other energy - it's all there are
fluctuations of Guccum.
These fluctuations of Gukum often (if not always) localized.
They are either inactive (particles) and can contain an additive in the
form of kinetic energy without noticeable change in structure.
Either they are always moving with the speed of light and the addition
of kinetic energy to them changes their internal structure, size,
changes their frequency of oscillations, the color of photons, the
wavelength of radio waves or generalized, the internal energy of
But in
the vibrations of Guccum their essence and their community.
And only through this community these objects can interact and mutually
can absorb each other (the atom absorbs a photon);
can annihilate (matter + antimatter, turning into photons);
and can emit a photon (the excited atoms emit photons).
Now we understand almost everything that happens in the microcosm.
Own output number 6.
Among the interactions of elementary particles and atoms,
transformations and energy transitions there is one interesting process.
This is the process of transferring a quantum of energy from an electron
belonging to one particle (atom, molecule) to an electron belonging to
another particle with an increase in its kinetic energy.
Or, from the point of view of classical physics, this is the collision
of electrons belonging to different particles.
In principle, any collision of molecules occurs not through the
collision of atomic nuclei, but through the collision of electron
But the main thing is not the collision of molecules, but the fact that
at the moment of collision of electron shells, these shells can have
different energy states.
Suppose one of the electronic shells has just absorbed a quantum of
Its electrons are spinning at a furious speed, and in the second
colliding molecule, the electrons are "quiet."
It is natural to assume that in this case (statistically) the energy
will pass from an excited molecule to a quiet one.
I. We take into account that all objects of the Universe considered by us are
localized oscillations of Guk.
We take into account that all energy transitions occur according to quantum
laws, discretely.
We take into account that everywhere in these processes there is a light
speed, so everything happens very quickly and very quickly.
Consequently, when energy is transferred from an electron of one atom to
an electron of another atom, a tangible impact occurs, a push along the
atom to which this energy is transferred.
Not like in ordinary life, trains sometimes get under way and accelerate
unnoticed. A
strictly required kick or push.
Well, according to Newton's third law, an atom that gives a quantum of
energy gets a reverse push of the same strength.
And the last.
It is not difficult to notice and guess that with numerous collisions of
molecules with each other, two or three processes are constantly
This can be compared to the battle of two soldiers, each holding a club
in each hand.
There is a collision of the bodies of the warriors themselves, there are
collisions of the clubs against each other, and there are still punches
with the club on the opponent's head.
If we take into account that the electrons are localized vibrations, that
there are quantum inhibitions and vice versa, quantum resolutions, then
it is possible:
Elastic collisions of molecules with each other without changing the
energy of their electron shells.
It's like a
collision of billiard balls.
(Collision of bodies of soldiers, shoulder in the shoulder).
Such strikes of molecules, when for an instant electronic shells
interact with each other, transferring portions of energy from one
electron to another. (Palitsa
about the club).
The molecules themselves collide almost like billiard balls.
Such an impact of an electron on another molecule, that the whole
molecule is pushing.
(Palica on the head,
chest, back).
In this case, the collision dynamics is violated and both molecules
receive an additional push.
This variant is especially possible when one of the
molecules is excited by a quantum of light.
reality, there are such attacks, and others and others.
At the same time, there is a constant transfer of energy
from one electron to another, shocks, impacts on molecules.
if suddenly there are not yet discovered physical effects in molecular
processes that can not be taken into account, imagined, predicted, it
seems that these factors do not change the picture of the emergence of
life radically described below.
To expound the process of the emergence of life, it is sufficient to
have already discovered physical laws.
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