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TABLE OF CONTENTS.                                                                  090
Briefly about the main                                                                                   100

Introduction                                                                                                   110

Fundamental quantum laws                                                                          120

Quantum processes under the sun                                                                130

Prerequisites for the origin of life                                                                    140

The birth of a great life                                                                                   150

Differences and Advantages of Self-Moving Molecules                                    160

Hypotheses about the role of molecular engines. Aging. Diabetes                   170

Evolution of pansperms. Reproduction and replication                                     180

Formation of molecular organisms                                                                    190

Formation of cellular organisms                                                                        200

The advent of the information chromosome                                                       210

The appearance of diploid cells                                                                         220

Multicellular organisms. Cancer                                                                         230

Conclusions                                                                                                       240

References                                                                                                        250

Popular science articles.
When evolution finds a new branch. 2012.12.25                                                 260



Главная страница    Далее

 The whole topic is posted on the site in 2005.


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