Further, as in chess, there is a move with three exclamation marks,
which solves all problems.
That's how life comes about.
Dance biologists!
(Already 15 years old, and no one dances).
The main, super-major moment in the emergence of evolution and
evolutionary direction to the modern biosphere is the emergence of large
molecules - mills of solar quanta.
Perhaps, possessing small molecular flagella, over which small quanta
flow into the environment.
And it turns out that when small quanta run off from the end of the
molecule or from its flagellum, there are tremors that lead to the
translational motion of the molecule-the mill of solar quanta.
A self-moving molecule - this is the origin of Life!
essential condition for the onset of the translational motion of a
molecule is a certain stability of its shape.
Otherwise, its tail along with the engine will jerk, and the
entire molecule will remain in one place and life will not arise.
there is a split of the process of the emergence of Life into two.
Most likely, both these processes exist and in one or another situation
one of them prevails.
Flagellar life. The flagellum oscillates under the action of
quanta of energy flowing along it.
This version was born from the version of hairs in the capillaries of
plants and animals.
can develop from molecular flagella.
The mechanisms of the appearance of flagellar oscillations are listed
Such flagella, of course, can be a lot in one mill.
Vibrate or even rotate and large parts of the molecule-mills.
This is not the point.
The true, great, full and life-affirming meaning of what happened is
revealed below, when considering the resulting molecule, the carrier of
the flagellum, that arises because of this.
The expression "once hesitated" does not even fit here, because these
flagella, if they appeared, then vibrate and fluctuate with necessity.
The flagellates row like
an oar.
In this case, the internal energy of the electron clouds of the
molecule-mill effectively transforms into the thermal energy of the
surrounding molecules.
there is a mechanical movement of the main molecule.
Electronic life.
The birth of mechanical motion of a molecule can occur in another
This can also be interpreted within the framework of mechanistic
models of atoms.
The transfer of energy from the molecule-mill to the surrounding
molecules occurs upon contact of the electron shells.
And what kind of contact is
- In the mechanistic interpretation, these are the impacts of
electrons belonging to one molecule on the electrons of another
molecule, which transfer mechanical motion, momentum, energy.
Thus, an excited molecule by numerous impacts of its electrons on
the electrons of other molecules pushes them away from itself.
But at the same time, its electrons are attached to it, therefore it
seems to be repelled from surrounding molecules and also acquires
translational motion.
Despite the fact that the masses of electrons are negligible, they
move very fast according to the classical theory and give a decent
push force.
Discussion of flagellar
Electric forces that are carriers of excitation energies of electron
clouds are powerful.
And these forces will very vigorously swing the molecular flagella,
pushing and pushing the surrounding molecules and transforming the
internal energy of the mill into the thermal energy of the water.
A molecular mill is rowing!
A screw-like screwing of a molecule into water, and any
possible motions, can also be created.
should be remembered that the process of absorption of a solar quantum
by a molecule consists in the resonant buildup of the electron shell of
a molecule by an alternating electromagnetic field of a solar quantum.
And in the same way this rocked and untwisted electronic
shell can dump this energy only resonantly swinging some kind of extreme
molecule or flagellum.
fluctuations are not an invention.
firstly, they are necessarily encountered in macroscopic processes in
nature at every step.
is quite normal and often occurring phenomenon.
Similar fluctuations appear always in any flow, no matter what flows.
The flow of water or air is capable of creating oscillatory processes.
Let us recall the examples of oscillations mentioned in the
preceding chapter.
the case under investigation, the energy of the electron shells flows.
flows from the molecular mill.
Energy quanta flow from a large, energy-saturated molecule into the
surrounding water.
And the molecular flagella or fragments of the molecule that
oscillate in this flow, along which these quanta flow, also oscillate.
the main reason for the fluctuations is not in the actual flow, but in
the existence of a specific mechanism for their occurrence.
It can
be considered more closely and visually.
Many variants are possible in describing the appearance of
flagellar oscillations.
Here comes a fine quantum of excitation from the center of the molecule
to the flagella. What
is an excitation quantum?
- This, in its properties and figuratively speaking, some bulge,
swelling in this place on the general huge and far from spherical or
axisymmetric electron cloud of the parent molecule - the quantum mill.
This protuberance can deflect the flagellum in one direction or another.
Then the quantum slips from it and the flagellum returns to the
equilibrium state.
The next quantum comes up and again rejects the flagellum and so on.
2. Quanta are suitable on one side of the flagellum, then on the other,
the mother is a large mill.
In this case, the flagella deviates one way and the other.
3. It is important that after slipping each quantik from the
end of the flagellum, it is energetically favorable for this flagellum
to deviate back from the molecule that received the quantum.
4. It is also sometimes energetically favorable for him to
bow to that part of his molecule, from which the next quartet approaches
the flagellum.
It is possible that the quantum emanating from the mill passes into the
flagellum not through its base, but immediately into its tip, which at
this moment approaches the mother molecule.
After receiving the quantum, the flagellum abruptly repels
from the molecule, turns to it perpendicularly and then discards the
quantum from the surrounding substance.
6. Perhaps spring-like, multi-hinged, rotational as well as
any conceivable combined behavior of the flagellum during the emission
of a quantum.
Not one, so another.
Not another, so the third.
Everything depends on the structure and composition of the flagellum,
from the maternal molecule itself, from the place where the flagella is
The main thing is that such deviations there - here - back are
absolutely objective and absolutely inevitable.
The energy quanta can not smoothly slide off.
the appearance of the flagellum itself raises doubts?
Where did it come from?
It is unlikely?
- Yes, it inevitably appears in any place where there is a flux of
This flux of quanta, flowing from the molecule to the environment, this
swelling on the electron cloud will inevitably bring scattered atoms and
small molecules to the place where the quanta flow.
Also, molecules from the surrounding water will adhere to this site.
And these atoms and small molecules will hang, get hooked on each other
and become flagella.
Just like in a river, long garlands of flowing debris are formed.
It would be for that to catch
Similar garlands are pulled from the bath and the shell with a blockage.
On the other hand, it can be shown that if there is a flagellum in a
molecule, then it is on it that the forces that expel the excess energy
from the molecule are concentrated.
Recall once more the welding electrode and the spark that appears on its
Therefore, the flux of radiated energy will inevitably go
through this flagellum.
as soon as the flagellum was shaken, the molecule began to move.
And if it began to move, it means that it began to interact more
actively with the environment.
Discussion of
electronic life. There are fewer variations. There is a kind of
reactive movement of the molecule-mill due to tremors in the tail of the
molecule. The result is analogous to the flagellar molecules:
self-moving molecules appear and everything further applies to e-Life.
Generalization. In order to preserve the uniformity of the further
presentation, further, both flagella and electronic propulsors will be
called: engines. Their action leads to the same result: self-moving
molecules appear.